Humbled by your responses

The response to my announcement yesterday has been great! A lot of people have sent in their ‘pre-order-requests’, which is awesome. Clearly there is pent-up demand for the book.

Also, many of the comments I’ve received have been so encouraging and validate my reasons for pursuing this for so long. Here are a few examples:

Thanks for doing this, I didn’t know what we were doing at the time was important enough for a book.

Thank you for telling our story, this honors our fallen brothers and gives everybody the opportunity to read their stories.

Ooh rah! I would like a signed hardcover please, I would like to pass this on to my kids and grandkids

I am a 70’s-80’s Marine. My son served in 3/2 India. I would like to pass along to him a piece of Bastards history as a Christmas present.

LCpl Adam Johnson Crumpler was my nephew… Thank you for telling the story of these Marines. They will NEVER be forgotten.

I was present at the ‘hell house’, and was wounded but survived the trak hitting the IED on 11 May. I’d love to get any info about that time since I spilled blood there and my brothers sacrificed their lives. Thank you for writing this.

Such comments humble me to the core, and remind me how important it is that these stories get told to as many as will hear.


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